Ukraine Traumatology & Orthopedic Partnership
The Regenerative Outcomes Foundation is proud to announce its latest initiative - a collaborative to help victims of the war in Ukraine:
Post surgery wounds
High-impact trauma wounds (i.e. explosions, shrapnel)
Thermal (temperature) burns
Flash (light/radiation) burns
Disc-related back pain (load-bearing injury/degenerative)
We have crafted an exclusive partnership with the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine (ITO/NAMSU) in Kiev to start CLINICAL TRIALS using regenerative medicine products, starting Fall of 2023!
Our Supporters

PROVIDE A ONE TIME TAX-DEDUCTIBLE GIFT: (any amount) to The Regenerative Outcomes Foundation Ukraine Trauma Project to help us support program.
MONTHLY RECURRING SPONSORSHIP: (Requires 12-month commitment)
Champion: $100 per month (costs of admitting one eligible patient)
Ambassador: $250 per month (add costs for treatment))
Guardian: $400 per month (add costs for immediate follow-up care)
SPONSOR A PATIENT: $12,000 (Single gift)
Contact us at onelife@regenerativeoutcomes.org to cover total costs for admission, treatment, immediate follow-up care, and 12-months of long-term monitoring and support for one eligible patient.
Email us at future@regenerativeoutcomes.org to learn more about how you can support The Regenerative Outcomes Foundation's programs in a major way! We have future goals for offering regenerative medicine therapies for wounds, burns, and other trauma injuries in other conflict regions.
GET INVOLVED: Contact us at doing@regenerativeoutcomes.org for information about interest in deeper involvement in the project, conducting a clinical trial for your product, donating professional services, or partnering with us!