Clinical Trials Search
Click a Condition to search ClinicalTrials.gov
See the Search Tips below to refine the search.
Reload to search again.
Search Tips
To find trials close to you:
Click one of the preset searches.
Click the On a Map tab.
Click on a country, then state or province.
Check the Status column, to see if still Recruiting.
From the list of trials, click a trial name to review details.
How to read the trial description page and contact trial administrator:
First scroll to the bottom section Contacts and Locations to make sure it is in an area you can get to for treatment and follow up visits.
Review Purpose and Eligibility sections so see if it looks right for you.
Use the contact info to get in touch with the trial administrator.
Even if a study has a status of Completed rather than Recruiting, you can still inquire to find out if there are similar trials, or follow-up trials planned.
Some trials in the database require patient payment, but most do not.
Once you have information about a trial, be sure to discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor and healthcare team.
We do not endorse any clinical trial, this is provided as a research tool.